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Ultrafiltration system

ULTRAFILTRATION SYSTEM Ultrafiltration system, as a pre-treatment for a resin demineralizer system, fed with mains water.

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Recovery and reuse of effluent

RECOVERY AND REUSE OF EFFLUENT Water treatment plant for the recovery and reuse of effluent from the purification plant.The system is able to recover a percentage between 50 and 75% of the effluent that was previously sent to the drain.The system created was sized in relation to the chemical-physical characteristics of the purged water to be treated and the...

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Production of demineralized water

WATER RECOVERY SYSTEM Plant evaporative tower purge water recovery system, using resin technology.

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Water recovery system

WATER RECOVERY SYSTEM Plant evaporative tower purge water recovery system, using resin technology.

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Steam production system 30 T/h

STEAM PRODUCTION SYSTEM Industrial steam production plant with smoke tube steam generators with a capacity of 30 T/h with exemption from continuous presence for 72 hours.

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Steam production system 16 T/h

STEAM PRODUCTION SYSTEM Industrial steam production plant with smoke tube steam generators with a capacity of 16 T/h with exemption from continuous presence for 72 hours.

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Steam production system 18 T/h

STEAM PRODUCTION SYSTEM Industrial steam production plant with smoke tube steam generators with a capacity of 18 T/h with exemption from continuous presence for 72 hours.

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Air treatment system

AIR TREATMENT SYSTEM Polluted air treatment system deriving from work on the oil recovery system. The proposed process is aimed at removing sulfur compounds and volatile organic compounds from the air captured by the various points of the plant.

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VOC analysis system

VOC ANALYSIS SYSTEM Sistema di analisi in continuo per la misura di VOC in emissioni di Aria per impianto verniciatura veicoli a due rute.

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Superheated water production system

SUPERHEATED WATER PRODUCTION SYSTEM Superheated water production plant for two-wheel vehicle painting service.

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